On the second anniversary of the independence of Republic of Kosovo, the President of Republic of Kosovo, Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu has issued a decree granting a pardon on the remaining service or reducing the term of imprisonment for 62 detainees.
Pursuant to Art. 84, item 29 of the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo, Art. 5 of the Law on Pardon, Art. 97 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo and the Decree DF-001-2009 on Determining the Criteria for Granting a Pardon to Convicts, the President issued the decree granting a pardon on the remaining service or reducing the term of imprisonment for 62 detainees serving their sentences in the prisons of the Republic of Kosovo upon final judgments. In issuing the decree, the President of Republic of Kosovo has taken into consideration the constitutional provisions and the Law on Pardon, the Criminal Code of Kosovo and the Decree DF-001-2009 on Determining the Criteria for Granting a Pardon to Convicts, the information and recommendations provided by the DC Departments of the Republic of Kosovo and the opinion of the Professional Ad Hoc Commission, established by the President of the Republic of Kosovo. The Decree on Pardon issued by the President of the Republic of Kosovo shall enter into force as of February 17, 2010.
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