
Statement of President Jahjaga on ISG’s decision to end the supervised Indepedence of Kosovo

Four years ago, representatives elected to the Parliament with the will of your vote, expressing the undeniable will of the people, declared Kosovo a sovereign and independent country, with international supervision by the friendly countries that have for a decade supported our progress and efforts towards the creation of Europe’s newest state.

Honorable citizens of the Republic of Kosovo,
Four years ago, representatives elected to the Parliament with the will of your vote, expressing the undeniable will of the people, declared Kosovo a sovereign and independent country, with international supervision by the friendly countries that have for a decade supported our progress and efforts towards the creation of Europe’s newest state.
Today, the same friends, gathered in Vienna, under the auspices of the International Steering Group, that continue to support each step of our all encompassing  political, social and economicadvancement , declared the end of the international supervision of  Kosovo’s independence, by trusting the future of the Republic to its citizens.
The faith in you, the citizens of Kosovo, and in our Republic, is theoutcome of the joint effort and engagement to enact the democratic values as the key principles of our statehood and by showing ability and the responsibility for our state and towards our international obligations.
Dear citizens; above all, the merit for the accomplishment of the century-old dream of our own state belongs to you. With your hard work and dedication, particularly during the last four years, to implement the Ahtisaari Plan in the everyday life, you brought to life the ideal of an independent, free Kosovo, where one leads a dignified life. 
We remained faithful to the vision and sacrifice made by those who paved this path for us, regardless of the challenges which we faced as a society just out of a bitter war. You did what was rarely done historically – you reached your hand to the mutual understanding so that the future generations have a better life. You did this in the name of Kosovo and its future, and we are very proud of this.
Today, as a result of this commitment,  the citizens of Kosovo, regardless of their ethnic or religious background live freely in all corners of the country, enjoying the rights and freedoms with equal opportunities.
It is this commitment of the citizens of Kosovo that gives the institutions of this independent and sovereign country the impetus to dedicate themselves much more forcefully and attain the responsibilities in following the democratic principles and values on our future path towards the consolidation of our democracy, ensuring the functioning of the legal state and in offering a better life to our citizens.
The future of the Republic of Kosovo is in the European Union and that principles upon which we built our state, will continue to be our guidelines which we shall follow.
Today’s decision of the International Steering Group, to end the supervision of the Independence of the Republic of Kosovo, by returning to its people what rightly belongs to them, opens a new horizon for the Republic of Kosovo, its position  within the international community and the development of our country.
This decision opens the road to an equal partnership with the international community, based on mutual respect.
And finally, dear citizens of Kosovo, allow me to, on your behalf and on behalf of the institutions of Kosovo that represent your will, and in my capacity as the President of the country, thank the international community, our friends: the United States of America, the countries of the European Union and all our strategic partners  for their help in establishing freedom in Kosovo, their effort in maintenance of the peace and stability in the region, and for the trust they expressed today that Kosovo’s can govern itself fully.
Thank you!

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