
Speech given by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga to the second meeting of the National Council on E European Integrations

I wish you all welcome to the second meeting of the National Council on European Integration, with the subject-matter of: The European Agenda of the Republic of Kosovo and the Visa Liberalisation Process.

Honourable Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Krasniqi,
Honourable Prime minister, Mr. Thaçi,
Dear Mr.Zbogar,
Honourable Chairman of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Mr. Mustafa,
Honourable Deputy Prime minister Petrovic,
Minister Çitaku and Minister Rexhepi,
Honourable members of the National Council on European Integrations
Honourable media representatives,
Honourable citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.
I wish you all welcome to the second meeting of the National Council on European Integration, with the subject-matter of: The European Agenda of the Republic of Kosovo and the Visa Liberalisation Process.
Your participation at this Council shows our joint vision and determination for an all inclusive integration process, and an aim to, through discussions and proposals, gain a clear view on where we stand and how to move forward. 
I would like to start this meeting by raising some of the issues we discussed at the inaugural meeting of this Council:
We all ascertained our determination to contribute in acceleration of the European Integration dynamics by joining our efforts in a more successful accomplishment of this process, in the fulfilment of the criteria we will face on our path to the EU membership. 
Republic of Kosovo aspires to become a member with full rights of the European Union; and this depends on all of us: institutions, political parties, civil society, academia, business community and all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.
Based on the experiences of the countries that have already passed through the same process, the all inclusive consensus is essential, and this consensus will strengthen in the future.
In 2012, Kosovo’s European Agenda shows a progressive trend, while European Perspective of the country reaches a few concrete bench-marks.
As you already know, at the inaugural meeting of this Council, Commissioner Fule formally launched the Feasibility Study on Kosovo. Beginning of the feasibility study constitutes a step forward in Kosovo-EU relations and advancement in country’s European Agenda. This process is a precursor to the establishment of the contractual relations between the Republic of Kosovo and European Union through the beginning of the negotiations on Stabilisation-Association Agreement (SAA).  
Last month we welcomed the Assessing mission of the European Commission on the feasibility study, whose members expressed their positive impressions on the developments in our country. Assessing missions visit was the next step after the Feasibility study questionnaire, on which contributions have been received by both central and local institutions in regard to the provision of the answers.
Through Visa Liberalisation Process, all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo will be in position to move freely throughout the countries of the European Union; our country must increase its efforts achieve success by intensifying the reforms on strengthening of the democratic institutions, rule of law and fight against the organised crime and corruption.
And finally, in regard of visa liberalisation, we must continue to achieve further progress in the issues of documentation safety, migration and border management and fundamental rights. 
This decision brings a clear message to all the citizens of Republic of Kosovo, that they also enjoy the same European Perspective as well as the citizens of the other countries in the Region.
I welcome the fact that the feasibility study and the Visa Liberalisation Dialogue will be led in accordance with the model that tows the same political line as the EU enlargement policy and the European Perspective of the Western Balkans.
For this process, as most immediate and challenging fields for the feasibility study, recommendations were given for the Public Administration Reform, Rule of Law, Electoral reform and full integration of the communities, fields important for the progress evaluation of the European Agenda.
Now it is upon us that we focus on the reforms and to continue with the fulfilment of the criteria’s and obligations specified by the guidelines, and to consolidate the achievements in all fields related to the European Agenda of the Republic of Kosovo.
Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have the pleasure to affirm that the visa liberalisation process has been supported by all of the institutions, as well as the full political spectrum and all the municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo.
The momentum must be held high on the advancement of the countries European agenda. ON this agenda, we are in expectance of a positive evaluatory result on the SAA feasibility study due sometime in autumn of this year. Stabilisation-Association Agreement will strengthen the EU-Kosovo relationship, that also act as the first milestone of our journey towards a EU membership and towards the full adoption of the European Standards and foundations. Furthermore, SAA also acts as an important step in promotion of the foreign investment and creation of solid conditions to further the economic development of the country.
Honourable members of the Council,

We have supported the initiative of the Ministry of European Integration to, jointly with the Parliamentary Commissions on EU integration, establish a Task-Force on European Integration with the purpose of compilation of a National Strategy on European Integration while insuring a full consensus of all the stake-holders throughout Kosovar Society involved in the process. 
We also appreciate the success achieved in meeting the conditions set forward by the free trade agreement between Kosovo and EU, as part of the Stabilisation-Association Agreement.
Honourable Participants,
The European agenda Of the Republic of Kosovo must make advances and convert itself into a work-plan for the whole Kosovar society. We are making head-way in this direction. I invite you to, through discussion and concrete proposals give our contributions on this subject..
I would also like to express my gratitude, your gratitude and the gratitude of all our citizens to the European Union and its member countries, inclusive of the Danish Presidency  as well, towards their confirmation and support for Kosovo’s integrational aspirations and for supporting the EU’s enlargement policy towards our region.
Honourable participants

Our country, Republic of Kosovo, yesterday achieved another major success in consolidation of its democratic institutions and its state-hood building, as per the conclusion reach by the International Steering Group stating that Kosovo has fulfilled all the preconditions leading towards the cessation of the supervision of its independence.
This is a joint success of ours, of the central and local institutions, of the political parties and all the citizens of our country, also a success of the international community due to the fact that a high degree of democratisation of the Kosovar society has been achieved, and that Republic of Kosovo, an independent and sovereign country has become a factor of peace and stability in the region, a democratic country contributing to all global processes.

Full legalisation of this process in September will increase the number of recognitions, enable Kosovo to represent itself in all occasion and most importantly, Kosovo will follow its regular agenda of its membership in European Union, regardless of the fact that we have not as yet been recognised by 5 member countries.
Thank You!

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