
President Jahjaga’s speech held at the manifestation in honour of the Constitution Day

Honourable representatives of the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo,
Honourable participants, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Constitution Day of the Republic of Kosovo, is among the most important days of Kosovo’s statehood, day on which seven years ago the foundation of our state were laid, upon the promise that enlivening of our dream for the state of Kosovo, we shall make our country free, independent, democratic and advanced.

Constitution of Republic of Kosovo was approved as a necessity of the time, which would enable establishment of independent Kosovo, but also as an act which ingrains all of the sacrifice and engagements of all generations which worked and sacrificed for us- all of us- so that we can breathe freely and be masters of our fate. This act contains the universal principles of human rights and other principles applied by other democratic and advanced states.

As such, The Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo is the most modern Constitution of this start of the century, a document which aims the advancement of democracy and pluralism as well as the protection of the citizens of Kosovo, irrespective of ethnicity or religion, gender or orientation.

Our inspiring and aspiring constitution promotes all inclusiveness, law and order, democratization and tolerance between all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, and it is up to us, representatives of the citizens of this state, to make sure that this vision is enlivened.  It lays the basic principles, from which we should never waver, but we must protect at all cost, because moving away from these principles means means compromising on the legitimacy of our statehood itself.

We must be proud to have a Constitution which lays the rule of law on the whole territory of Kosovo, as a guarantor of democratic development which promotes the equality of all citizens.

Honourable participants,

During the last year, we saw that our Constitution was promulgated, but not tested; also, we demonstrated that our political parties and institutions are aware and willing to undertake their discussions and functions under the auspices of this highest legal act. Constitution, as the institutions mandated for its implementation, were put before a hard viability test, one of provision of answers for political realities not prescribes by the constitution itself. Even during the most shaking moments, the debate within the constitutional scope, by dismembering itself from the momentary will and concentrating upon the constitutional principles, established the country’s necessary democratic development standard.

In this process, we have managed to develop an all encompasing debate on the need of full implementation of constitutional values and norms. Allow me to emphasize, on this particular date, the necessity for respecting of and implementation of one of most important values of the Constitution, that of equality in law. We must all be equal in front of the law, and this is why the need for an impartial judicial system, uninfluenced by politics, is a must. Our justice system, as is foreseen by the Constitution, must be unique, independent, just, apolitical and impartial. This remains an aspiration, realization of which is conditioning our viability as a state, the trust of our citizens in their own country and the endeavours of our society to place Kosovo firmly in integrative processes.

Today, when we mark this anniversary, I would like to encourage all those who work and dare in accordance with the principles and norms of this Constitution, to continue with their work and example in building of the state of law. The State of Law must be a permanent mission of all institutions and citizens of Kosovo, and its realization the sole guarantee which will make Kosovo a viable concept.

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