

In memory of the Day of the Missing, President Atifete Jahjaga visited the village of Meja, where she placed flowers at the “Field of grief”. Accompanied by the Mayor of Gjakova, Pal Lekaj , members of the Government Committee for Missing Persons and Family Associations of Missing Persons, the President held a meeting with the families of the missing, who promised her commitment and that of all the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo to reveal as soon as possible the fate of all missing persons.

“I have come here to Meja to somehow share the pain with You for Your most beloved relatives who were killed in the largest massacre of the war in Kosovo.

I am aware that people from Gjakova and surrounding villages were collected here, that they mercilessly have been separated from the convoys of refugees, parents have been separated from children, and children have been separated from their mothers.

It was a plan of the occupying regime of Serbia to cause us as much pain as possible, cause us suffering, to breach our dignity, ruin our spirit, make us not to enjoy  freedom. We have experienced these pains earlier and know that the occupier always wanted to remove us from these lands,” said President Jahjaga on this occasion.

“We are here today, on the Day of the Missing, because your most loved ones who were killed by the Serbian regime in this massacre are spread in many mass graves to hide the traces of the crimes, to make our pain greater, to leave us without a tomb, where we come to remind and honor martyrs and victims, and where we get the strength to move forward, without ever forgetting the past, and doing everything possible that all criminals and those who ordered the crimes will be brought to justice and take the deserved punishment,” she added.

President Jahjaga further said that “The freedom and independence of Kosovo is owed to these martyrs who have sacrificed themselves so that Kosovo is governed by its people, that Kosovo will have democratic institutions and that Kosovo will be an equal and dignified country in the Union European. “From here, I want to send the message that we are always together, that we will always work and commit to our homeland, that our youth, who are our future, will never pass through these difficulties and hardships that we went through,” stated Mrs. Jahjaga, adding that “whenever we have a dilemma, whenever we are at a crossroad, each time we are thinking about how to solve something, we have to come here, at the cemeteries of the martyrs, to commemorate their image, to gain strength and move forward, proud, facing each difficulty.”

“I, President of the Republic of Kosovo, together with the institutions of our country, will do our best to reveal the fate of the missing, that the martyrs will have the honor and respect due to them, to offer the families of martyrs a dignifying care from the state. This is our obligation and our duty. Only by turning our heads towards the martyrs, we can look forward, and taking this approach we will work for the interests of the homeland “, said President Atifete Jahjaga.

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