The Office of the President of the Republic of Kosovo, for the sake of correct clarification of the public opinion, in an open and transparent manner states that the news published in some media about the tender for the purchase of flowers is inaccurate and distorted.
The Office of the President explains that it is not about the purchase of flowers in the amount stated by the media for the daily needs, as they say, of the office, but for an annual contract, related on November 10, 2014 for particular cases: for homage, ceremonies official and other state ceremonies. This annual amount is used only for particular needs and it does not mean that it will be fully used.
The Office of the President of the Republic of Kosovo states that the President and her cabinet, since the first day of the mandate in April 2011, has demonstrated the greatest care in the use of public money, and for each year within these four years has saved its annual budget up to 20%.