
President Thaçi gathers the leaders of the Albanians of Macedonia, the need for inter-Albanian is discussed coordination

Prishtina, January 05, 2017 – The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, met today in Prishtina with the leaders of the Albanian political parties in Macedonia, whom he congratulated for the holding of free and democratic elections.

At the meetings of President Thaçi with the President of the DUI, Ali Ahmeti, the President of the Movement BESA, Bilall Kasami and of the Aliance for Albanians, Ziadin Sela, the need for a proper coordination of the Albanian political factor which aims to respect the free and democratic will of the Albanian voters expressed at the early parliamentary elections in the Republic of Macedonia on December 11, 2016, was discussed.

President Thaçi has congratulated them about the behavior of the Albanian political parties before and after the electoral result, which should reflect the moment to reaffirm the program and strategic determinations of the Albanians that are in the interest of the European future of Macedonia.

In the meeting with the representatives of the parliamentary political parties in Macedonia their willingness to commit themselves maximally to the best possible representation of the Albanian interests and the long term prosperity and stability of Macedonia has been expressed. 

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