
President Jahjaga’s speech at the FIDES Awards ceremony for philanthropy in Kosovo 2015

I have the honour to address you at this special evening of FIDES award presentation which celebrate the vision of various citizens and businesses in contribution to overall wellbeing of the society through philanthropic spirit.

Honourable participants,

I have the honour to address you at this special evening of FIDES award presentation which celebrate the vision of various citizens and businesses in contribution to overall wellbeing of the society through philanthropic spirit.
Values which this night carries in itself, the values of solidarity, understanding, tolerance, respect and responsibility to one another, are values which our society has embraced generation after generation.
Often, throughout our history, these exact values have protected our identity and our tradition, have created survival and resistance mechanisms, and above all, have lent the hand of hope for a brighter and more prosperous future.
Today, we see them embedded in the foundations of our state which we have built and in the role which we have taken upon ourselves to play side by side with the free countries of the world.
I would like to congratulate the organizers of this event, by now an annual tradition of expression of gratitude for the civic and human values of care for each other, and highly praising the determination of all those who are today being honoured with the Fides award.

Honourable participants,

Every philanthropic deed is special, as it conveys strong messages of most sincere human values, which transcend the borders and difficulties, which break taboos and stigma, through offering of opportunities, support and love.
Each and every day we are surrounded by initiatives which aim to, through their impact, change people’s lives, initiatives which achieve to mobilize a whole mass of people in solidarity with others, in defence of human rights and values.
On this very night, such an exact initiative is being honoured, an initiative undertaken by artist Alketa Xhafa Mripa, whom I have personally supported since its very first steps, together with all the members of the National Council on Survivors of the Sexual Violence during the War and its partners, for its important message which it aims to carry, one of support and solidarity with the survivors of sexual violence during the war.
Alketa’s vision to display 5000 dresses at the Prishtina stadium as a call for justice for survivors of sexual violence during the war through an artistic installation, managed to become visible throughout the country and all around the world, and find support from thousands of citizens and unseen solidarity.
A universal solidarity which transcended borders and loudly tolled for this crime of war committed in Kosovo on innocent men and women,  this tool of war which still affects thousands of people worldwide, and for the need for a global mobilization for the prevention against it.
“I think of You” artistic installation of Alketa Xhafa Mripa and producer Anna di lellio, which transformed into a movement, supported the engagements of non-governmental women’s organizations such as Kosovo centre for Rehabilitation of Survivors of Torture, Medica Gjakova, Medica Kosova, Centre for Promotion of Women’s Rights and human rights activists as Sevdije Ahmeti, Igballe Rugova and many other women, who for 16 years have been raising their voices for justice for survivors, and for the engagements of the institutions of the country to offer them dignified life, thus contributing to awareness raising of the society in relation to this war crime.
Harsh consequences and tragedy which touched upon our society, upon the innocent population, men and women, children and the elderly during the war, were re-brought to the memory of the international public as a powerful call of thousands of citizens for justice.
 I congratulate Alketa on the award for the best awareness raising campaign and I thank you for your contribution to such an important cause to our society.

And in the end, honourable participants, mr. Abazi, Mr. Jashari, Mr. Zejnullahu, Ms. Berisha, by congratulating the Foundation for Civic Initiative for the organization of this event, I express my unwavering dedication to support any initiative which aims to support the survivors of sexual violence during the war and to offer all encompassing wellbeing to all citizens regardless.
At the very end, I congratulate you all for awards you will be receiving tonight and I extend my gratitude for your continuous contribution to our country.

Thank you.

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