
President Jahjaga’s speech at the ceremony of the launch of the Office of the Economic Chamber of the Women of Kosovo

President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga, took part today at the launching ceremony of the Office of the Economic Chamber of the Women of Kosovo-G7.

At a speech held on this occasion, President Jahjaga said:

Honourable participants:

Last year, at the very same time, we gathered together to launch the establishment of the Economic Chamber of Women of Kosovo, mechanism stemming from the International Women’s Summit, organised here in Prishtina, which marked the first step towards realisation of the Prishtina Principles, principles resulting from this summit.

During the proceedings of this Summit and during the discussions, we realised that establishment of such a chamber would be of importance, and jointly proceeded with the former Minister for trade and industry, Ms. Mimoza Kusari-Lila, with strong USAID support, of Ms. Maureen Shauket in particular,  as well as the support of the US Embassy.

We called upon seven successful women entrepreneurs of our country to lead this project, as the economic independence of women is a key point of further advancement of our society and that this by all means has a multiple effect, it effects directly the wellbeing of children, in their future, that of the family and of the society as a whole.

Economic empowerment and independence of women are closely linked also with women’s participation in other fields of life, as this enables the utilisation of the full potential of our women and girls, and here we are not talking only about the potential of women and girls, but the potential of the half of the society.

Worldwide statistics, both for developed world and the developing one, show that direct development of a country and economic growth of a state are interlinked with the utilisation of the potential of women, of the half of the society, and their active participation in the economic development of a state.

Therefore, us as a state and a society are oriented and dedicated towards a continuous path of advancement of the role of the women in our society. Not only because this is a morally right point but because we are dedicated to building of a democratic society where each member can utilise its full potential and its talents.

I am very convinced, and I also expect,  that the Economic Camber of the Women of Kosovo, with its new office and the strategy already approved,  will offer the best possible services to all women and girls, through support, trainings, coordination, continuous mentoring, in order to be able be stand by them, for new business openings  and business growth. You do not only empower an individual, you are empowering a family and through these projects we influence the empowerment of our society, we influence the continuous progress and economic sustainability of our state.

I would like to thank Ms. Maureen Shauket and the USAID for the continuous support offered to this project and for the continuous support for the advancement of the role of women in our society.

I would like to congratulate the G-7 for the excellent work you have done this year. We have a lot to do ahead of us. I would like to congratulate the newly elected director and the board members and to let them know that as you did in the past, you will continue to have my support, as well as do all other women  who are in the institutions ,both executive and legislative sectors, in order to lay the solid foundations for the improvement of the role of the women in society.

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