I thank you for the precious work that you have undertaken during your extremely important mission in the field of Rule of Law and Order in the Republic of Kosovo.
Honourable leaders of the institutions of Kosovo,
Honourable Ambassador and representatives of the international missions in Kosovo,
Honourable Mr. De Marnhac,
I thank you for the precious work that you have undertaken during your extremely important mission in the field of Rule of Law and Order in the Republic of Kosovo.
The EULEX mission is a mission invited by the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo to provide a contribution and to help us with its experience and concrete engagement in the very important field of Rule of Law and Order during the transition period and building of the democratic processes.
EULEX Police, Prosecutors and Judges enjoy the respect of the citizens of my country for their engagement and dedication to accomplish the most difficult tasks while respecting the law and procedures, and while applying the best experiences of the European countries, where they all come from.
Honourable participants,
Our state is building all the necessary capacities, which will take upon themselves all the responsibilities to accomplish all the tasks in order to make our country a place where the Rule of Law prevails and which successfully fights all evils and negative phenomena, especially corruption and organised crime, phenomena that do not recognise borders and that threaten general progress and the European future.
We deeply believe that this year Kosovo will become member with equal rights of all the organisations and mechanisms in the field of justice and security, because only by being a member of the international network that fights crime, we will be able to successfully give our contribution to a more efficient fighting of the transnational crime.
Honourable Mr. De Marnhac,
You are concluding your second mission in the Republic of Kosovo, and both, the military one and this one in the field of Rule of Law, highly responsible, by providing concrete and tangible contribution to the maintenance of peace and stability and in raising and building of the local capacities, characterised by exceptional cooperation and a full and efficient coordination.
We express to you the gratitude of the institutions and the people of Kosovo for all the things you have done and that you will always be a lifelong friend of Kosovo and a promoter of its values and of its future.