
President Jahjaga awarded honours to a number of personalities and organisations

In continuation of activities marking the eighths anniversary of the independence of Kosovo, President of the country, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga, has bestowed honours to a large number of personalities and organisations, which have provided exceptional contributions to Kosovo.

Presentation of the honours has taken place today at a solemn ceremony, during which Madam President presented the awards to the honourees, their family members and to the representatives of the honoured organisations.

Honouring was made based on Article 84, section 28, of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, Law Nr. 04/L-070 on Awarding of Honours by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, and Articles 3 and 4 of the Regulation on Types of Honours Bestowed by the President of the Republic of Kosovo and Procedures for Awarding of Thereof.

At a speech held on this occasion, Madam President said:

Respectable Honourees and family members of personalities who, through their life time activities have left inerasable marks in history of Kosovo, for liberty, independence, state building and its overall development.

Honourable participants,

I am deeply honoured to, today, on this eighth anniversary of the declaration of Independence, honour all personalities and activist who have provided exceptional contribution in order for us to celebrate as every other free nation- our statehood.

This is the most marked day in Kosovo’s history, for which many generations have sacrificed, generations who through their ideals for freedom and independence have laid the foundations of the new state, of an important factor not only of peace, but also of security and stability in the region and beyond.

The state of Kosovo is the blood, the seat and the engagements of all patriots, who loved their country and gave it strength to build upon the ruins left by a long and heinous war, of all those who laid the foundations of the independent state, of equal citizens, a state with clear aim to become an inseparable part of the advanced world.

Through this ceremony of the awarding of honours, together, we, the institutions and the people of Kosovo, praise, honour and remember the immense contribution of all of you, laureates and family members, to our common good.

Kosovo is our country, country which can be further advanced and developed only through togetherness. It is us that need to pave the road further ahead, the road which was commenced by those who sacrificed, to make Kosovo a democratic state in which law and order prevail, where citizens can find their perspectives without having to look elsewhere; where understanding is the core of solutions and where our love for the country becomes our strength for the future.

Dear laureates and family members,

May you carry with pride and honour, from one generation to the next, this awards and presidential medals, as proof of highest state appreciation for your work and contribution to the fatherland.

God bless you!

God bless Kosovo!

Mullah Xhevat Kryeziu, representative of the Movement for Blood Feuds Reconciliation expressed gratitude on behalf of the laureates.

Following is the list of the laureates:

The following have been awarded the honour “ Order of the Hero of Kosovo”, awarded to individuals who have undertaken acts of sacrifice and bravery for the freedom and independence of Kosovo:

1.    Abaz Thaçi
2.    Adem Ukëhaxhaj
3.    Afrim Selim Xhuraj
4.    Behajdin Myrteza Allaqi
5.    Besim Adem Ndrecaj
6.    Daut Idriz Zagragjaj
7.    Faruk Zymer Zekaj
8.    Feriz Faik Guri
9.    Hajrush Mehmet Elezaj
10.    Haxhi Hoti
11.    Hysen Nahit Rexhepi
12.    Ismet Mustafë Bicaj
13.    Sadik Ramë Rrustemaj
14.    Shaban Sali Manaj
15.    Shaban Zeqë Mazrekaj
16.    Tasim Ukë Elezaj

The following have been awarded the honour “Order of Freedom”, awarded to individuals for their high contribution to Kosovo’s liberty:

1.    Avdi Kelmendi
2.    Avdullah Polloshka
3.    Azem Jashanica – Bellaçevci
4.    Dëshmorët e Gadimes 1944 – 1946
5.    Rama Family – Shkabaj, Obiliq
6.     Shala Family – Jeshkovë, Prizren
7.    Halit Hasani
8.    Idriz Rrecaj
9.    Ismail Raka
10.    Jashar Haxha
11.    Jusuf Bahtijari   
12.    Latif Smajli
13.    Kryeziu Movement
14.    Mehmet Agë Rashkoci
15.    Mulla Zekë Berdynaj 
16.    Qamil Fejzi Hoxha
17.    Sefer Vesel Shabani
18.    Sylë Mehmeti – Nikçi
19.    Shefki Popova
20.    Patriotic Association “Malësia e Madhe” in Detroit and New York
21.    Tahir Zajmi
22.    Vehbi Dibra (Agolli)
23.    Zija Shemsiu
24.    Zymer Daut Hasi

The following have been awarded the honour “Order of Independence”, awarded to individuals for their contribution to the independence of Kosovo:

1.    Pandeli Majko
2.    Xhavit Ahmeti

The following have been awarded the honour “Adem Jashari” Order of the Freedom Fighter, awarded to individuals for bravery during the war for freedom:

1.    Adnan Nexhmedin Krasniqi
2.    Ajdin Selam Rrahmanaj
3.    Alajdin Nevzat Xhezairi
4.    Ali Ahmet Berisha
5.    Avni Zhabota
6.    Bashkim Ismail Suka
7.    Besnik Sadri Kastrati
8.    Bujar Visoqi
9.    Elfir Maliq Behrami
10.    Enver Nebi Buqaj
11.    Ersan Mehmet Mazreku
12.    Feriz Abdurrahman Susuri
13.    Hajdar Abaz Shala
14.    Halil Muhamet Gashi
15.    Hamit Shaip Thaqi
16.    Heshim  Nuhi Gashi
17.    Hysni Rexhep Morina
18.    Ismet Selman Gashi
19.    Jeton Idriz Dedushaj
20.    Kadri Ramadan Karaçica
21.    Malush Halil Ahmeti
22.    Nexhmi Brahin Llumnica
23.    Perparim Ali Thaçi
24.    Skender Mehmet Latifi
25.    Shaip Jahir Pacolli
26.    Shkëlzen Imer Dragaj
27.    Tahir Haki Gashi
28.    Ymredin Smail Çengaj

The “Dr. Ibrahim Rugova” Order for Peace, Democracy and Humanitarianism, awarded to individuals, whose life time achievement is considered to be a special contribution to the building of peace, development of democracy and cultivation of humanitarianism, is awarded to:

1.    Jean-Paul Carteron

The following are awarded the “Mother Teresa” Humanitarian Medal, awarded to individuals who have contributed to the issues of humanitarianism:

1.    Mothers Movement
2.    Bedrije Berisha
3.    Elizabeth Gowig
4.    Fexhrije Graca
5.    Haxhere Hajrizi
6.    Hilmije Havolli
7.    Igballe Reqica
8.    Merzuqe Hana
9.    Nexhmije Sogojeva
10.    Nora Bytyqi
11.    Rabisha Belegu
12.    Ramize Salihu
13.    Rupert Neudeck
14.    Sadete Zeneli
15.    Shejnaze Gashi
16.    Shpresa Shala
17.    Shqipe Biba
18.    Xhevrije Krasniqi

“Anton Çetta” Medal of Peace and Reconciliation, for individuals who have contributed, and contribute to peace and reconciliation between people is awarded to:

1.    Nationwide Movement for Blood Feuds Reconciliation

The following are honoured with the Presidential Medal of Merits, awarded to individuals who, through their work have contributed in fields of education, science, culture, youth, sports, security and civil service:

1.    Abdylatif Fusha
2.    Agim Sarhati
3.    Agim Vatovci
4.    Agron Boriçi
5.    Agron Pustina
6.    Akil Koci
7.    Ali Sokoli
8.    Ali Zatriqi
9.    Amir Agani
10.    Arton Curraj
11.    Asene Agaj
12.    Avdyl Krasniqi
13.    Bedri Bakalli
14.    Behgjet Canhasi
15.    Besart Ahmeti
16.    Binak Kastrati
17.    Bosilka Lleshi
18.    Daut Mustafa
19.    Emine Gashi
20.    Enis Sabotic
21.    Enver Baraku
22.    Eshref Biqaku
23.    Fadil Hysaj
24.    Fehmi Henci
25.    Ferit Zekolli
26.    Florim Mejzinolli
27.    Gani Demolli
28.    Gazmend Shaqiri
29.    Hajredin Ukelli
30.    Hanife Bimbashi Sheremeti
31.    Hashim Maloku
32.    Hysen Ukmata
33.    Hysri Tafarshiku
34.    Imridin Gerdellaj
35.    Irfan Spahiu
36.    Irfete Spahiu
37.    Ismail Hoxha
38.    Isuf Dedushaj
39.    Izedin Osmani
40.    Izet Hima
41.    Jahja Kokaj
42.    Jashar Dula
43.    Josif Bageri
44.    Jusuf Rexhepi
45.    Jusuf Telaku
46.    Kajmak Gazideda
47.    UCCK Emergency Clinic
48.    Search and Rescue Unit, Civil Defence Regiment, Kosovo Security Force
49.    Mark Kaçinari
50.    Mazllum Belegu
51.    Mehmet Begraca
52.    Mentor Disha
53.    Muhamet Guguli
54.    Muharrem Gashi
55.    Muharrem Kutllovci
56.    Muhedin Salihamixhiq
57.    Musa Haxhiu
58.    Nevruz Hasani
59.    Nexhdet Kryeziu
60.    Nysret Rahmani
61.    Omer Kaleshi
62.    Osman Hoxha
63.    Osman Imami
64.    Premtim Mustafa
65.    Qamil Haxhiu
66.    Qerkin Krasniqi
67.    Rauf Dhomi
68.    Resmije Vokrri
69.    Rifat Ymeri
70.    Riza Binishi
71.    Sadri Bajraktari
72.    Samedin Haxhijaha
73.    Selim Krasniqi
74.    Simë Dobreci
75.    Skender Boshnjaku
76.    Skender Boshnjaku
77.    Suel Salihu
78.    Shaban Geci
79.    Shaban Shabani
80.    Shpëtim Robaj
81.     “Abdullah Krashnica” House of Culture
82.    Tahir Z. Berisha
83.    Talat Pallaska
84.    Tef Vokrri
85.    Teuta Hadri
86.    Vjollca Hoti
87.    Xheladin Deda
88.    Xhemajl Ahmeti
89.    Xhemajl Bajraktari
90.    Ymer Koçinaj
91.    Zef Gjoni
92.    Zenel Kabashi
93.    Zenel Kelmendi

The Honour, Prize for Innovations, Research and Development, awarded to individuals who show exceptional results in certain fields of knowledge, economic development and technology is awarded to:

1.     NATEV Project

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