
On the fourth anniversary of the independence, President Jahjaga decreed the pardon of several sentenced persons

The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga, on the fourth anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kosovo, issued a decree pardoning the remainder of the sentence or reducement of the sentence of 15 persons, who are serving sentences in correctional centers in the Republic of Kosovo.

The decree was issued, based on article 84, item 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, article 5 of the Law on Pardon, Article 97 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo and on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kosovo, No. DF-002-2012, for Defining the Criteria for granting Pardon to Sentenced Persons.

In the issuance of this decree, the President has taken into consideration the constitutional dispositions of the Law on Pardon, the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo and the Decree DF-002-2012 on the determination of the criteria for granting Pardon to Sentenced Persons, the data provided by the Ministry of Justice, the Correctional Service of the Republic of Kosovo and the opinion of the Professional Commission, established by the President of the Republic of Kosovo for this purpose.

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