
Jahjaga: The Act of the martyrs is eternal guide to us all

The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Madam Atifete Jahjaga, who is on a visit in the United States, directed a telegram to the Jashari family, on the occasion of the anniversary of the glorious battle of 5, 6 and 7 March 1998.

In the telegram it is said:

Honored Jashari family,

Unable to take part in the manifestation of the KLA Epopee due to the visit abroad with high piety I express the honors and respect for the glorious act of the legendary Commander of the KLA, the National Hero, Adem Jashari, the sublime sacrifice of the Jashari family and all the martyrs of the KLA which is symbolized on this great day.

The dedication of the heroes and the love for the fatherland, remain guide to us, are a basis of citizenship and the independence of the Republic of Kosovo, the freedom that we enjoy today.

We, in our work, get the inspiration and strength to move forward and to overcome all difficulties, from these heroes, from these most valuable sons and daughters of Kosovo.

The act of the martyrs is eternal guide to us all.

Atifete Jahjaga
President of the Republic of Kosovo

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