Pursuant to Art. 18, item 2 of the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo and Art. 4, item 3 of the Law on Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic Service,
Pursuant to Art. 18, item 2 of the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo and Art. 4, item 3 of the Law on Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic Service,
I hereby decree
The ratification of the Bilateral Agreement on the Implementation of Regional Strategy for the Balkans (2007-2010) signed between the government of Republic of Kosovo and the government of Grand Duke of Luxemburg on 27 and 30 October 2008 respectively, developed by Caritas Foundation in Luxemburg and received by the Office of the President of Kosovo on 25 February 2010.
Pursuant to Art. 18, item 3 of the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo, the ratified agreement shall be forwarded to the Parliament of Republic of Kosovo as a notification.
The ratified agreement shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Decree No: DMN-010-2010
Pristina, 26 February 2010
Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu
President of Republic of Kosovo
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