Dear citizens of the Republic of Kosovo,
We are concluding this year together and on New Year's Eve, I wish you, your families and your loved ones a good year, full of health and harmony.
The year we are leaving behind, just like the one before, has been characterized by great global and domestic challenges, but I remain hopeful for our future as a country and as a people. I am convinced that our best days are ahead of us.
Earlier this year our citizens voted for a significant change. Of course, your expectations are high because you deserve good governance that works in your best interest. Despite the many challenges that countries around the world have faced, I want to assure you that the institutions of our country are working day and night to represent you with integrity, at home or abroad. But, above all, I want to let you know that we are working hard to ensure a better and more dignified life for everyone all across the country.
But, tonight, in particular, I want to talk about the contribution that each of you has made to make Kosovo a better place during the year we are leaving behind.
I want to thank our health workers for their tireless work in facing the greatest challenge the world has faced in this century.
I want to thank our police officers, who in addition to their daily work made additional contributions, staying close to the citizens in the face of the pandemic and helping to protect our safety and our health.
I want to thank our soldiers, who continue to contribute to maintaining of the peace and security, inside and outside Kosovo.
I also want to thank the firefighters who take care of our safety during challenging times.
I also thank those who reached the pinnacle of success by making us proud despite the challenges: successful businesses that export to every corner of the world and local businesses that engaged in innovation and thrived despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.
I thank our athletes who opened their doors to us on the distant continents, our people of art who proudly displayed their work and important parts of our history, thus becoming the pride of every citizen of the country.
I also want to thank the media and professional journalists who fought to defend the truth at a time when the whole globe is facing the serious challenge of misinformation.
I would also like to thank our extraordinary diaspora for its great contribution to Kosovo's journey forward, through its financial, cultural, political and humanitarian contributions.
A special gratitude goes to our steadfast international allies, who continue to work with us in helping Kosovo advance its international position, as well as for its direct contribution to improving your life.
Finally, but not least, I want to thank you, dear citizens, for your tireless work, continuous contribution, perseverance, understanding and courage.
It is undoubtedly an honour to serve a nation, but there is no greater honour than to serve the people of Kosovo.
Dear citizens,
Next year, unfortunately, we will face ongoing healthcare challenges, as the pandemic is not over yet.
I want to use this moment to remember all those we have lost from this deadly virus, empathizing with their families!
I thank you, dear citizens, for your patience and awareness shown so far, and I ask you to continue to respect the measures as I ask you to get vaccinated – inclusive of taking of the booster dose.
In times of difficulty, we should try to look beyond ourselves and start acting as united as possible – because we are too small to stand divided. Whether at home or at work, whether fighting the pandemic or protecting the environment, in times like these, we must work hard to cultivate and embrace a sense of unity.
This is because we may have political differences or different opinions but I strongly believe that we all have the same final goal: to see Kosovo as a prosperous and well-to-do country where everyone feels proud, considering it their home. I have no doubt that if we work together, we can achieve this, and even more than that.
Once again, Happy New Year and best wishes to you and to your loved ones!