
President Sejdiu conveyed his congratulations to Mr. Herman Van Rompuy

The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu extended a letter of congratulation to Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, on the occasion of his appointment as the first permanent President of the European Council. The letter reads:

His Excellency Herman Van Rompuy
President of the European Council

Honorable President Rompuy:

I would like to personally and on behalf of the institutions and the people of the Republic of Kosovo congratulate Your Excellency on the occasion of your appointment as the first permanent President of the European Council.

The people of the youngest country in the world, the Republic of Kosovo, join Your Excellency and all the people of Europe in celebrating this momentous event, which clearly shows the commitment of the European Union to continue promoting its values and principles.

The Republic of Kosovo has directed all of its efforts towards fulfilling the criteria for joining the European Union. We have welcomed the proposal of the European Commission for a feasibility study evaluating means to further Kosovo’s political and socio-economic development, and examining how best Kosovo can progress as part of the region toward integration in the EU in the context of the Stabilization and Association Process. This approach, once again, proves Republic of Kosovo’s clear European perspective and we look forward to working with your Excellency towards fulfilling this vision of the people of my country.

Please accept once again, Your Excellency, my heartfelt congratulations for your appointment in this important post and the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.

Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu,
President of the Republic of Kosovo

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