
Meta: Kosovo has a European perspective

The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu, received in a meeting today Republic of Albania’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ilir Meta.

During the meeting, President Sejdiu thanked Mr. Meta for the strong support that Republic of Albania has, is and will provide to Kosovo and for Minister Meta’s unwavering commitment of supporting Kosovo in major processes of integration, democracy and institutional functioning and, in particular, for the unequaled engagement of Republic of Albania’s diplomatic network and county’s senior leadership in ensuring further international recognition of Republic of Kosovo.

Speaking of achievements in the country, the President said that a quality progress was made and that, in this context, 62 countries have already recognized the Republic of Kosovo. However, he said further recognitions are needed, praising Kosovo’s accession to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

President Sejdiu said regional cooperation and bilateral relations with the Republic of Albania are of a special importance. He mentioned Republic of Albania’s contribution in the region and its neighborly relations with other countries, adding that Mr. Meta arrival in Prishtina and meetings that he will have with representatives of other institutions will serve as an additional guarantee to this commitment.

Republic of Albania’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ilir Meta, said that he discussed with President Sejdiu current situation in terms of relations between the two countries, further boost of cooperation, growing partnership in every field and the course of action in terms of maintaining a pace in processes that aim at integration into the European Union.

“I would like to express my high consideration for the progress that the new state of Kosovo has made with regard to recognitions that were announced in a very short while and I am positive that Kosovo’s democratic and European Constitution has served as a foundation to this progress. President Sejdiu’s has undoubtedly played and is still playing a crucial and appreciated role in ensuring political stability and functionality of Kosovo’s institutions” – Mr. Meta pointed out.

Z. Meta also mentioned challenges laying ahead for Kosovo, such as the further promotion of the new state, which, Meta maintained, has encountered an enormous international recognition in a short term, and the challenge of ensuring a clear European perspective, which he said is approaching Kosovo.

“Concrete efforts were made recently at the European Union to ensure that Kosovo also receives a visa liberalization guide and to ensure that Kosovo, as e new state and, first of all, as a European state that deserves a place as an internal member of the EU, together with the entire region of the Western Balkan, is also included in the current process of integration of Western Balkan” – Meta said.

As an answer to a question posed by journalists following the meeting with Meta concerning municipal elections and their impact on relations between governmental coalition parties, President Sejdiu said that his general observation is that these elections were fair and that international observers share the same opinion, though he concurred that there may have been some elements that need to be tackled by the Central Election Commission and Complaints and Appeals Commission. On the other hand, President Sejdiu said that a general and governmental stability exists in the country.

Further on, President Sejdiu said that it is important for us to be aware of challenges that lay ahead of us and of what is of a primary importance to our people and the Republic of Kosovo. He said there is a common understanding regarding this between the government and the people.

“The Constitution of our country, as the main foundation to institutional building, is a bottom line that has to be upheld. Coalition partners share an obligation to foster a common understanding and this is an issue to which they do pay a special attention” – President Sejdiu said at a joint press conference with Republic of Albania’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ilir Meta.

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