Good evening everyone!
Dear Ambassador Minxhozi,
Honourable Speaker of the Assembly Mr. Konjufca!
Honourable Prime Minister Mr. Kurti!
Dear ministers, deputies, representatives of political parties, and ambassadors of amicable countries!
I feel honoured to be here again to celebrate together with all of you the November 28th, the day of the national flag.
Each of the Kosovar Albanians, just like us who are here tonight, grew up with the special feeling of the November holidays, with an extraordinary love for the red and black flag and with the dream to see, feel and experience Albania. To be among those who speak and breathe Albanian.
Today we are closer than ever, today we are more integrated than yesterday and tomorrow we will be together within the big European family.
If we look back 110 years, today we bow before the patriotic work of many women and men, who with their endeavours and their sacrifice made Albania independent.
This holiday represents our endurance, determination and spirit for freedom and independence, not only of Albania but also of Kosovo, at the same time.
Under this flag are also our brothers in North Macedonia, Montenegro, in Preshevë, Medvegjë and Bujanoc and our beloved expats all around the world.
This is our history, this is us, among the oldest of the oldest continent. But, as citizens of Kosovo, the youngest Europeans.
The proclamation of Albania's Independence and the raising of the flag in Vlora are sacred acts of our common history.
As we historically traversed together, we will continue our journey united towards the great European family.
Europe has no meaning without us compatriots and defenders of European values, without the memory of those who did their best to protect these values, without Gjergj Kastriot-Skenderbeu without our Saint Mother Teresa, without the elder of independence Ismajl Qemajli, without the ideologue of the independence of Albania Hasan Prishtina, without the brave man of Kosovo and Albania Isa Boletini, without the founding father of the state of Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova, without the icon of our freedom commander Adem Jashari with his family, as well as without the daughters and sons of the KLA war.
Our integrative spirit and commitment to protecting the values of peace and democracy leave no room for barriers. This spirit is leading us towards European integration, towards the community of states without borders.
In this journey nothing prevents us, just as nothing stopped our struggle and our national project for independence and freedom.
Europe has been our destination over the years, our meeting point among ourselves and together with other civilized nations.
The stronger economically and politically Albania and Kosovo are, the stronger Europe itself will be.
Therefore, on the road ahead of us we need dedication, perseverance and patriotism so that our ideal of being equal can be completed as quickly and successfully as possible!
I am sure that the Albanians from both banks of the Drini river have a great commitment to elevate our countries and to offer even more to each other.
Happy Flag Day to all, congratulations on Albania's Independence Day!
God bless Albania and Kosovo!
Thank you!