
President Osmani’s address at the graduation ceremony of the 57th generation of the Kosovo Police

Honourable Prime Minister, Kurti,
Honourable Minister Sveçla,
Honourable Acting Director General of the Kosovo Police Mr Hoti,
Honourable cadets,
Representatives of local and international institutions,
Dear families of the cadets who are celebrating today this extraordinary success of your family members,
Honourable participants,

Today is a day of pride for all of us!
I am honoured to be in front of you at this graduation ceremony of the new cadets of the Kosovo Police.
Honourable cadets,
Today we celebrate your success, as you swear the oath as new members of the Police force of the Republic of Kosovo.
I want to welcome you on this new journey in service and protection
of all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo in its every corner, without distinction.

Thank you for your decision to serve the state and our citizens and I wish you lots of good tidings during your noble journey.
The police arise from their citizens and are always at the service of the citizens. You have chosen a profession that requires courage, discipline, willpower and commitment to law and order. As you embark on this journey, I want to remind you of the core values of our police force: integrity, professionalism, respect and impartiality.

As a police officer, you must always act in accordance with these values and must be committed to serving all citizens of Kosovo, regardless of background, beliefs or circumstances.

As a police officer, you are expected to be a model citizen of the Republic of Kosovo who ensures law enforcement, fights crime, maintains order and serves as the guardian of public safety.

You are the ones who swear the oath and guarantee that all our citizens, without distinction, will feel safe and that each one of them is treated with dignity and respect.

Honourable participants,

Today is a fantastic day to celebrate the unparalleled work and commitment of the Kosovo Police, which over the years remains one of the most trusted institutions by our citizens.

Today, 433 cadets of the new generation are joining our Police, which is synonymous with a multi-ethnic professional force, consisting of men and women from all communities from the entire territory of Kosovo. Among the graduates are also 17 Serbs, 5 Bosniaks, 2 Goranis, 1 Turk and 1 Roma.

Among these cadets, there are 53 girls and women. 53 brave, disciplined and dedicated women ready to serve their country. From today you carry a double responsibility: first, dear girls, you will serve your country and citizens in order to guarantee order and security, and at the same time, you will become a model and inspiration for many other girls and women who will follow your path in the years to come.

This participation of women in the police force also reflects the joint and serious commitment to the increase of the number of women in the ranks of the Kosovo Police, in which case I want to congratulate the leaders and the entire police service for their engagements.
And now is the time, of course, for women to be in charge of the highest duties and functions.

I strongly believe that the participation of women in the police force, but also in all other security structures, is a necessary and appropriate investment in increased security for the whole society and for our state as a whole.
Through the Forum for Women, Peace and Security, which was held in October of last year in Prishtina, we tried to convey exactly these messages. Because the more girls and women in decision-making positions, including in the Police, the more security there will be for our citizens and our country.

Today, looking at you, I want to once again encourage the Kosovo Police to continuously engage not only to increase the number of girls and women in uniform but above all to their advancement in the Kosovo Police in supervisory, decision-making and leadership posts.

Gender and ethnic diversity in the Kosovo Police is a reflection of our state and a reflection of a safe environment, which families, neighbourhoods, municipalities and our entire Republic deserve.

While we are talking about your constant commitment to work better and with increased professionalism, I also want to talk about an important chapter of your work. For two decades, the Kosovo Police has shown a high degree of professionalism by participating in regional and international operations, as well as cooperating bilaterally and multilaterally with many partners and our Republic has proven to fulfil all the criteria to become a part of INTERPOL, as well as many, many other regional and international organizations.

Therefore, we will continue to ask for international support from our friends and allies so that through our Police, our state can contribute to these organizations as soon as possible.

Honourable cadets,

You should be proud of the uniform you are wearing, responsible and aware that you have many challenges ahead that need to be addressed. It is up to each of you in your own way to work for a safe, equal and fair society.

I have a strong belief that you will approach your duties with seriousness, an open mind and a dedication to the service with honour, respect and accountability.

You do not only represent yourself, but also the entire Kosovo Police, the citizens of Kosovo and the state of Kosovo!
You have worked hard to prepare yourself to face the challenges of the work you have been tasked with. You will be required to make difficult decisions, obey the law, and even risk your own safety to protect others. This, of course, is your sacred obligation, this is your mission and I believe that you are already prepared for the work that awaits you. I have the strong conviction that each of you is ready to carry out the acts, whenever the need arises.

Protecting the borders of the Republic of Kosovo and providing public security throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo is our continuous obligation. The Kosovo Police has done this in an excellent way over the years and continues to do so today.
Therefore, I want to express my deep gratitude and thank our policemen, especially those who are serving during these very moments, for the maximal engagement shown during the developments in the north of the country, protecting every corner of our territory.
You have given your best in managing the situation with professionalism, dedication and courage in the service of the motherland, in order to protect order, law and public safety.
This is proof that you are ready whenever there is a need to guarantee a calm and safe environment for our citizens; for your fellow citizens.
The rule of law is our daily goal, which we will never give up because through this we provide public security in the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo.
As you have proven throughout this engagement, I firmly believe that you do this every day to the benefit of the citizens of Kosovo. Therefore, your example will also be followed by the newly graduated generation of cadets.
Finally, honourable cadets, I want to express my sincere congratulations to each of you and to your families on this special day. Do not forget that you are joining a noble profession and that you have the support and respect not only of your families but of your colleagues, of the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo and above all of the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo. May you always be law-abiding and may we always be proud of your work!

God bless the Kosovo Police!

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