President Osmani said that 23 years ago one of the most important battles of the KLA against the Serbian occupier took place in Loxha.
“This battle, led by Commander Tahir Zemaj, was militarily properly organized and despite the small number of our soldiers bravely withstood the Serbian onslaught,” the president said.
Following is President Osmani's entire post:
23 years ago one of the most important battles of the KLA against the Serbian occupier took place in Loxha. This battle, led by Commander Tahir Zemaj, was militarily properly organized and despite the small number of our soldiers bravely withstood the Serbian invasion.
Unfortunately, Rrustem Bruqi, Lumni Surdulli and Enver Alaj fell heroically in this battle. We will always remember their sacrifice and commitment to freedom.
Such battles, led by determined war strategists and patriots, testify not only to the rebellious spirit but also to our perseverance in achieving freedom.