The issue of Missing Persons, an inheritance of wars and conflicts worldwide, including the Balkans and Kosovo in particular, is the most painful wound of a society requiring full clarification of the fate of these individuals, in order to institute spiritual serenity to the family members of these individuals.
Even 15 years after the end of the war in Kosovo, over 1700 citizens are considered to be missing and all the engagements to date have proven insufficient in securing a response on their fates. The pain for the missing individuals grows greater as time goes by, and non solution of this issue is holding hostage the souls of their family members, as well as every other process of normalisation of the life in Kosovo.
Endeavours to find out the fate of the missing persons must be augmented as much as should the endeavours to bring justice to its place, by bringing all responsible for the committed crimes to face the very justice. Institutions of Kosovo are fully engaged to, together with the international factors, clarify the fate of each still missing citizen of Kosovo.
This is the issue of the foremost priority for the institutions of Kosovo, which have also asked for full engagement and responsibility of the Republic of Serbia, in finding out the fate of the missing citizens of Kosovo and their return to Kosovo.
Therefore, on this International Missing Persons Day, we re-potentiate our dedication to the solution of this issue, which will also enable opening of new processes in relations between the citizens.