
President Jahjaga’s speech at the “Participation and the role of women in the security institutions of Kosovo” conference

It is a pleasure to be here with you today to mark the work of women in Kosovo, women who are dedicated to make Kosovo a safer environment, and the work of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of women all around the world who continue to sacrifice and accomplish important daily tasks towards building of prosperous societies and countries where justice prevails.

Honourable representatives of the institutions of Kosovo,
Honourable Members of Parliament,
Honourable Deputy Minister Veseli,
Honourable Director Maxhuni,
Honourable NDI Director for Kosovo, Mr. Chavarria,
Honourable guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen;

It is a pleasure to be here with you today to mark the work of women in Kosovo, women who are dedicated to make Kosovo a safer environment, and the work of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of women all around the world who continue to sacrifice and accomplish important daily tasks towards building of prosperous societies and countries where justice prevails.

Women in Kosovo have always been pillars of society, protecting their families as well as taking on the roles which were not traditionally theirs in order to ensure the survival of their families and rebuilding of their communities.

In these years of transition in Kosovo, a period of endeavours and contradictions, women have often been the main victims of challenges brought forward by these processes. However, they have found the will and the motivation to move the society ahead.

After the war, women of Kosovo became the builders of the bridges that reconnected the communities separated by the conflict.

They were included in daily politics and public services and were ensuring that policies which were being built in post-war Kosovo were balanced and they fulfilled the needs of each community and each individual, regardless of their ethnic origin.

Women have over passed party lines and solidified ideologies to join around a common agenda, to continue the empowerment of women, particularly in the field of security, which is the key in ensuring the full representation of women in Kosovo and crucial to securing of a better future for everyone.

During my time of service in public service and security sector, I enforced my conviction in the fact that we cannot have a true and meaningful democracy if we do not attempt to include each member of our society into our decision making process and if every single member of our society does not feel secure and is not treated as equal.

Honourable participants,

Many studies have reached to conclusion that the level of participation of women affairs of a state is closely linked to the level of development of that state.

Hence, participation of women in each field of life is not only a moral right; it also guarantees a safer future for all of us.

Building upon already completed work for the inclusion of women in Kosovo since 1999 by the female activists, political leaders and society in general, I as a President of Kosovo have asked for this vision of the state where each member is treated as equal to be pushed ahead.

We have focused our endeavours towards drafting of the legislation which is sensitive to the needs of women in our society, as well as to its potential. There still remains work to be done in order for us to move from legislation to implementation and this is where the main challenge lies.

While congratulating the work done by the generations before ours and by many of you who continue to fight for gender and social equality, I invite you all here, from the Parliament to the Executive and all other agencies, to support the mission of women in this sector.

We are all equal, and only as equals we can guarantee a secure Kosovo.

Thank you!

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