
President Jahjaga’s speech at the Ambassadors’ Conference

I have the pleasure to see you today and address you, here in Prishtina, on the issues of direction and ambitions which we have determined, as institutions, in relation to our foreign policy.

Honourable Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Veseli,
Honourable Deputy Prime Minister Thaçi,
Honourable Ambassadors of the Republic of Kosovo,
Honourable participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen;

I have the pleasure to see you today and address you, here in Prishtina, on the issues of direction and ambitions which we have determined, as institutions, in relation to our foreign policy.

Since the time when we established our diplomatic service, we have been witness of advances in addressing of the foreign policy challenges, which might have not been neither easy nor immediate.

The international scenery, relations between states, alliances, positioning of the multilateral organisations and the weight they carried, has continuously changed. Today, states are more inter dependent and inter connected than ever before in the history of mankind. Such a situation creates many challenges, but also a multitude of opportunities to advance our aspirations based upon mutual interests and values.

This also means that we had to continuously adapt, and to, with a revived engagement based on efficient diplomacy and widened partnerships, penetrate into the international arena, where we aim to beside the further consolidation of our state, also provide our contribution to the addressing of issues and regional and global threats.

While our Euro-Atlantic orientation remains the sole alternative, we must continue to create new partnerships and to strengthen the existing ones. At the same time, much more of engagement is required from us in improvement of our image abroad and keeping Kosovo a point of relevance in the eyes of the world.

After the declaration of independence, Kosovo had to prove itself as a state, strengthen its external legitimacy by building of bridges of cooperation, strengthening of relations with our friends and empowerment of our common values. Opening of new diplomatic missions around the world has reflected and strengthened the systematic and continuous interest for the bilateral relations of the Republic of Kosovo.

Our foreign policy aim still is the establishment of a clear orientation which focuses on partnership with different countries of the region and of the world, deepening of the economic cooperation and integration in EU and NATO as our primary priority.

Kosovo’s foreign policy is based on certain principles: promotion of European integration, transatlantic partnership and friendship, regional cooperation nd economic cooperation. And it is these principles which must lead our work both within and outside our borders.

European integrations process is the most irreplaceable option, also one with the highest impact on transformation of our economy and of our policies.   The European integrations process requires us to fulfil our obligations, and that for the reason that we shall only then be ready to move ahead our joint vision of a viable state, ready for European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

I have already mentioned it few times before, that we are not looking for a shortcut to EU, but what we want is that whenever we are ready, EU to be ready as well.

During this year I have continuously met with the institutions of the country to coordinate in a  more efficient manner and to expedite one of the most important processes for the citizens of Kosovo, The Visa Liberalisation Dialogue. Criteria has already been met and we are getting ready for the visit of the EU Evaluation Mission in Kosovo. To conclude this important process, which will enable Kosovo to exit the isolation, we need your engagement in bilateral aspect and keep the member states informed with the dynamics of fulfilment of criteria prescribed by this process.

The same is also valid for other undertakings too, be they the fulfilment of our international obligations related to establishment of the Special Tribunal or the concrete results in fighting of corruption and organised crime, the importance of transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into the Kosovo Armed Force, as a gradual process in establishment of a defence force which mirrors Kosovo’s multiethnic composition.

Kosovo has demonstrated that it is a success story in other aspects too. The traditional inter faith conference has transformed our country into the focal point of dialogue on one of the most actual issues in the world. Likewise, rehabilitation of the survivors of sexual violence during the war has, as seen lately by the media coverage and the international interest in the artistic installation I think of You has turned Kosovo into a leader of international engagements to  end this war crime in conflicts worldwide.

We also expect to very soon sign the Stabilisation Association Agreement, which will mark a new chapter in relations of Kosovo with European Union. Initiation of the implementation of this agreement places Kosovo at the heart of the EU enlargement policy of the region, and a concrete start of the Kosovo’s EU membership.

We also require a stronger inter-institutional advocacy in order to move forwards Kosovo’s membership into the Council of Europe, the same as for the need for a coordinated and prioritized membership process in international organisations, particularly those connected to the rule of law.

Honourable Ambassadors,

Kosovo remains dedicated to the regional stability and strengthening of neighbourly relations by contributing to the advancement of this cooperation.

After membership in many initiatives and regional organisations, we are providing our active contribution as an equal member in strengthening of regional cooperation, an important condition for betterment of our economies and a necessary step in approximation of each country with EU.

Kosovo will remain dedicated to the building of good relations with neighbours which promote mutual trust, a fundamental change for the region which in less than two decades ago was engulfed by war.

A closer state to state cooperation, especially in the fields of economy and security,is by now a necessity.

No state remains immune to the threats and latest trends of violent extremism and radicalism. In Kosovo we are facing this problem and I consider that we have established a good example by concretely contributing to the fighting of this threat and by preserving the image of the region dedicated to the security of everyone. And this is a type of success which we must transmit to the capitals around the world in which we are present.

In developmental aspects, laying of foundations of a sustainable economic partnership is not only a political decision, but also a need for improvement of lives of our citizens. Internal stability and coherence will strengthen our external subjectivity.

I expect that you already possess the abilities and the knowledge to build economic partnerships which support the trade cooperation and attract foreign investments in Kosovo. Our country needs more investment.

Honourable Ambassadors,

We continue to engage in improvement of our capacities in order to pursue an effective foreign policy, based on an effective foreign service. As the youngest state in Europe, we shall surely require more time and more engagement to establish and consolidate a professional foreign service, which is not politicised, and which advances our diplomacy and our state interests.

We have allocated funds and resources to enliven this important vision, to advance the national interests of our young state, to improving of our country’s image and to create new economic opportunities. You are the ones who work on daily basis in translation and implementation of the foreign policy of our country and the vision of the Constitution of the country in concrete results.

As one of the leaders of foreign policy, I had the opportunity to visit many of our diplomatic missions around the world and I am grateful to you for the work you do. There is no greater honour and privilege than to be an Ambassador of your country, to be in service of citizens, and to share with the world the story about a nation which has never stepped back from the dream of state making. Naturally, conditions can always be better, there’s always need for more staff, but please do not forget that this is the first time in the history of our state that we have the opportunity to represent Kosovo on these levels. I ask of you to represent your country with passion.

A more powerful, more ambitious and innovative diplomatic service, with a wider diplomatic network must remain our long term aim. An organisation which attracts the best individuals of this country. This must not remain only an expression of best ambitions but an aim for which we must all engage and believe in.

Challenges which you face require a closer diplomatic coordination with different agencies. Our service is one of the best services, which has managed to integrate the technological advances in improvement of our diplomacy and has put Kosovo on the digital map. This example must be utilized for success in other fields as well.

I wish you lots of success in the proceedings of this conference.

Thank you. 

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