President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga, received today at a meeting a delegation of the Parliamentary Committee on European Integration of the Republic of Macedonia, chaired by the Head of the Committee, Mr. Hajrulla Misini and the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Macedonia, Mr. Jani Makraduli.
President Jahjaga praised the visit of the delegation from the Republic of Macedonia and stated that it is important that the Parliamentary Committees of both countries cooperate with each other and exchange experiences on the process of European integrations. She also said that Republic of Macedonia has already traversed a considerable path on fulfilment of the required criteria and standards and may help Kosovo with its experience.
President Jahjaga said that Republic of Kosovo is dedicated to the fulfilment of all necessary criteria and expansion of all reforms required during its path of European integrations, in order to create a greater wellbeing for the citizens of its country.
Speaking about the neighbourly relations, Madam President emphasized that Kosovo is a promoter of friendly neighbourly relations with all of its neighbours, which, she said, contributes to upholding of the peace and stability in the western Balkans.
President Jahjaga emphasized that neighbourly relations are also a precondition for European relations and they must be built based upon mutual respect and equality among all stats of the western Balkan region.
In her discussion with the delegation from the Republic of Macedonia, President Jahjaga stated that agreements reached at the dialogue process facilitated by EU and supported by USA between the Republic of Kosovo and Republic of Serbia, as two sovereign and independent states, must be implemented because they ease the lives of the citizens of both countries, contribute in maintaining of peace and stability and help both countries on their individual journey of European integrations.
Madam President also added that EU integration is an individual process for each country but on this journey all states of western Balkans must help and support each other.
Members of the delegation of the Parliament of Macedonia thanked President Jahjaga for the reception and considered their visit to Kosovo as proof of excellent relations between two countries, relations which have seen continuous increase. They also said that both countries have already passed the test of good neighbourliness, as precondition for European integration. Members of the delegation also said that Parliamentary Committee’s of both countries have had an opportunity to exchange good experiences in relation to bilateral relations and European integration efforts.