The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Jahjaga Atifete took part at the ceremony of placing the cornerstone of the Palace of Justice.
On this occasion, she held a speech, which is we bring below:
Dear participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The cornerstone of the Palace of Justice, an international and local project, sends symbolism of our common commitment that in the Republic of Kosovo the rule of law to be one of the basic principles of a functioning state.
Public trust in the institutions of the country depends largely on the justice system, from the work of prosecutors and judges, the professionalism, dedication, the honesty of their uncompromising work, which are in service of justice and that implement the law only, in each case and against each.
The reforms of the justice system in Kosovo are in function of the approximation with the norms and standards of European Union countries, being one of our most sensitive tasks in the period of transition and state building.
The Palace of Justice in the Republic of Kosovo will be in service of the citizens and for the citizens, in the syntagma that nobody is above the law and that the institutions base the functioning and trust in the full implementation of legality and constitutionality.
The state of law is the pillar on which democratic processes are based, and institutions of justice will be the place where the truth is proven. The strongest connection of the citizens with the state is precisely here and it is here where the security of the rights and freedoms of the citizen, the practice and protection of their rights relies.
The construction of the Palace of Justice creates the much required prerequisites for the work of prosecutors and judges and the efficiency in the execution of cases by respecting the legal deadlines, which increase the efficiency, which help to eliminate the negative phenomena and which contribute especially in the fight against corruption as one of the most negative occurrences facing societies in transition.
The Republic of Kosovo will respect the division of powers and will strongly support the importance of the judiciary and the justice system.
Thank you!
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