
The President decorated Jeffrey Hovenier with the Presidential Jubilee Medal

Prishtina, June 04, 2018 – The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, received today the American diplomat Jeffrey Hovenier, whom he has decorated with the Presidential Jubilee Medal of the 10th Anniversary of Independence, for his contribution to the freedom and independence of Kosovo.

President Thaçi thanked the US diplomat for the contribution he has given to the Rambouillet Conference, the Vienna Process and the state building process of Kosovo.
“Your support and the support of the USA in all the political processes have been decisive for Kosovo’s freedom and independence. We will be grateful forever”, said President Thaçi.
On the other hand, American diplomat Jeffrey Hovenier said that the American attitude has always been in support of Kosovo’s freedom and independence.
“My family and I feel very honored. The positive changes in Kosovo are impressive. I will always be a friend of Kosovo”, he said.
President Thaçi has said that Hovenier and many other US diplomats are heroes of Kosovo’s freedom and independence.

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