Media freedom is not a privilege, but a fundamental right that supports the functioning of a democratic society. It is the duty of everyone in our society to value the freedom of the media, to protect it and to create conditions for it, in accordance with the frameworks defined by the Constitution and the laws of our Republic. Respect for the Constitution and the laws is essential in maintaining order, justice and social cohesion.
The promotion of freedom of the media within the scope of the law, as well as the legal support for free speech and the right to information, are basic principles of our society, which originate from the highest legal act of our state.
Any legal dilemma regarding the case of the license of the Klan Kosova media must be clarified to the end by the relevant instances of the justice system of the Republic of Kosovo.
The President of the Republic expects this to be done through the application of the law, without interference and based on the principles of impartiality and integrity.
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