
Speech by President Osmani at the reception organized by the Embassy of Albania on the occasion of November 28

Highly esteemed attendees,
Honourable Ambassador Minxhozi,
Honourable representatives of institutions, Mr. Speaker of the Assembly, Mr. Konjufca!
Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Albin Kurti!
Distinguished Ambassadors!
Representatives of all institutions in the country!
Representatives of the religious clergy!
Media representatives!
Dear guests!

Happy Flag Day to all from the bottom of my heart. It is a holiday that always brings us together, and a holiday that Albanians are proud of wherever they are, whether being in Kosovo, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro or other countries where our compatriots live.

November in our national holiday calendar is a rightly marked month. Because, each of us, on November 28, feels proud of this flag, which is a narrator, a narrator not only of our history but also a narrator of our bright future.

It is the flag that makes us all Albanians proud wherever we are and before which we bow because a lot has been sacrificed for it. The red and black flag is a symbol of the resistance and determination of the Albanian people for freedom, continuous inspiration for the freedom of the Republic of Kosovo.

Declaration of the Independence of Albania and raising the flag in Vlora are sacred acts of our common history, built by the hard work and sacrifice of many men and women.

Our history is truly painful, challenging, but also bright and proud. On the one hand, while Albania was challenged and tried to consolidate as a state over the years, Kosovo continued its struggle for freedom and independence.

And today, they both, side by side as sovereign and independent states are moving towards the European integration process.

Many patriotic women and men like Ismail Qemajli, Isa Boletini did not stop working for Albania to “become self-determined, free and independent”, as stated in the Declaration of Independence of 28 November 1912.

Today, we are here together, Albanians from Albania, Albanians from Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro and other countries, to toast the 109th anniversary of Albania's independence, see each other, communicate, be educated, exchange ideas, exchange goods, cultural and sports activities because this obstacle-free cooperation is required by our citizens.

Today, we are here because we want to convey a message: that of the spirit of integration, of further facilitating the lives of citizens here and there, of removing barriers of any kind, and affirming the European spirit that unites us.

We are here because not just Flag Day brings us together! This date has a much more historical weight because as mentioned earlier in addition to Skanderbeg November 28, today we mark November 28 as the birthday of the legendary commander Adem Jashari and on the same day, the Kosovo Liberation Army appeared publicly for the first time. All these events give a much greater meaning to November because they carry in themselves the spirit of freedom and the ideal of many generations. 
Dear attendees!
On this Flag Day anniversary, I feel proud that Albania and Kosovo, despite the challenges, are moving with confident steps towards the European perspective.
I wish and rejoice that Albania and Kosovo succeed in all areas of common interest! Kosovo, of course, will continue to be on Albania’s side for the benefit of common interest, further deepening our fraternal and strategic ties!

We have a common goal. This goal is called the European Union. We must demonstrate the will and courage that the day when we meet in the EU is not far off. The path is difficult, but just as the dream of generations for our free, independent states has come true, so will the day come when we will sit at a common table in the European Union.

Until then, we have to work with honour and on this side and that side of Drin, to strengthen our states in all areas, and remove all barriers to cooperation. We have to serve with dignity and love to advance our countries, where citizens will feel proud, free, descent and equal and will be competitive in the European labour market!
Happy Flag Day, happy Independence Day of Albania!

God bless the Republic of Albania!
God bless the Republic of Kosovo and all Albanians wherever they live!

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