
President Osmani’s statement on World Press Freedom Day

Freedom of the press is a basic human right, crucial to democracy and truth.

On World Press Freedom Day we support and encourage journalists, as well as reaffirm our commitment to protect their right to report without fear and censorship, as well as to protect their safety when they report from places where there is a lack of security. As it was demonstrated after Serbia’s aggression attack on September 24th 2023, and the  following the attack, the role and reporting of the media has been key in order for the institutions of Kosovo to be able to show to the world the truth related to the attack.

In a time of information overload and when peace and stability in the world and in our region are being threatened, the fight against fake news and disinformation has never been more urgent.

Fake news undermines democracy and peace and in certain cases the safety of citizens and national security, so the need to oppose them is greater than ever and in function of protecting the truth.

We must fight this battle together, institutions, journalists and civil society, because only together can we maintain an environment where the truth prevails over fake news and where the media is free to fulfill its role as a defender of democracy and the right of citizens to be well informed.

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