
President Jahjaga’s speech on the occasion of Kosovo Security Force Day

I am honoured to be here with you today, at the end of a year which crowns your dedication to professionalization and contribution on enlivening of a vision for the state of Kosovo, stable and safe state in peace with everyone. In enlivening of a vision which fulfils the ideals of many generations for a democratic and all inclusive state, and a security force which plays an important role in strengthening the subjectivity of the country. You stand side by side to the citizens of Kosovo, irrespective of ethnicity, thus bolstering their faith in You, in the security mechanisms and in your professional force.

Honourable Prime Minister Thaçi
Honourable Kosovo Security Force Minister Çeku
Honourable Commander of the Kosovo Security Force, General Kastrati
Honourable representatives of the local and central level institutions of the Republic of Kosovo,
Honourable Ambassadors and representatives of the diplomatic missions in Kosovo,
Honourable officers and cadets of the Kosovo Security Force
Honourable members of Kosovo Police,
Honourable members of KFOR and EULEX,
Honourable citizens of the Republic of Kosovo;

I am honoured to be here with you today, at the end of a year which crowns your dedication to professionalization and contribution on enlivening of a vision for the state of Kosovo, stable and safe state in peace with everyone. In enlivening of a vision which fulfils the ideals of many generations for a democratic and all inclusive state, and a security force which plays an important role in strengthening the subjectivity of the country. You stand side by side to the citizens of Kosovo, irrespective of ethnicity, thus bolstering their faith in You, in the security mechanisms and in your professional force.

Therefore, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you, Generals and leaders of the KSF, for your leadership and determination shown in building of this durable institution; to thank you, the KSF officers who with pride have lined up to jointly share with the citizens of Kosovo the continuous endeavours for the achievement of our common goal- Kosovo, a safe and developed state, with a bright future.

Kosovo Security Force is built upon strong foundations, and is led by the ambition to create a complete security infrastructure, in congruence with the needs of our state. On its journey, KSF has had the support of NATO and its peacekeeping force in Kosovo, as well as the support of the United States National Guard, who have supervised and supported you in fulfilment of all duties.

Today we are building the vision, which will increase your obligations, because citizens of Kosovo, regardless of ethnic background, believe in you and the noble mission which you have undertaken in defending Kosovo and advancement of cooperation with our strategic allies.

At the conclusion of the strategic review of the security sector process- a comprehensive and inter-institutional process- which analysed our security mechanisms, needs of the citizens of Kosovo and strategic interests and directions of our state- the need arose for the establishment of a modern Armed Force, with defensive capacities which addresses security challenges, completes our security infrastructure and in process of further professionalization in accordance with NATO standards, aims membership in this alliance.

The future of Kosovo Armed Forces, which has no other alternative, remains a primary task of the new Parliament, an institution so important and necessary for the country and its citizens, which will thus engender Kosovo’s OWN defence force, will complete the consolidation of our state and become a contributor to the collective security of Europe.

Honourable citizens,
Honourable officers of the Kosovo Security Force,

We have with dedication gone through important transformative processes as a society and as a state, realizing the dream of many generations who sacrificed for our freedom and liberty. With great courage we have concluded many important processes for the country, thus turning it into an important factor of peace and stability and a promoter of good neighbourliness, seeing our future in Euro-Atlantic integrations.

But, there are still processes ahead of us to conclude, and for these we need expeditive forming of our institutions, stable, viable, all inclusive and accountable. In order to fulfil the promise to our citizens for a different Kosovo, more developed and more advanced one, one from which citizens will not run away through unsafe paths in search of a better life somewhere else.

And this is why we need more will, more sacrifice and more work to regain the trust of our citizens in the state of Kosovo, in which no one will defile their dignity. We need to do more work to build our better future.

I am convinced that our determination to preserve the values and ideals upon which we swore an oath, and to strengthen and advance our cooperation with our strategic allies will never be put to doubt.

A Happy Kosovo Security Force Day!

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