
President Jahjaga’s Speech at the reception held by the former Prime Minister of Kosovo and Chairman of the AFK, Mr Ramush Haradinaj

I share this joy with you and I congratulate Mr Ramush Haradinaj, Chairman of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Former Prime Minister of Kosovo, Former KLA Commander, upon him being declared innocent and exonerated by the International Court in The Hague.

Honourable Mr. Haradinaj,
Honourable Haradinaj Family
Honourable Speaker of the Parliament, Mr Krasniqi,
Honourable Ministers, Deputies, representatives of the institutions and political parties of the Republic of Kosovo,
Honourable members and supporters of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo,
Ambassadors and representatives of the diplomatic missions in Kosovo,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Honourable Participants,

I share this joy with you and I congratulate Mr Ramush Haradinaj, Chairman of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Former Prime Minister of Kosovo, Former KLA Commander, upon him being declared innocent and exonerated by the International Court in The Hague. 

This in itself has a meaning that surpasses individual responsibility and is an assertion that the fight of the people of Kosovo for its Liberation was just and pure.

The citizens of Kosovo and Yourself believed in international justice.

I take this opportunity to on this occasion congratulate the citizens of Kosovo on their cooperation with the Hague Tribunal in search for justice for the crimes of war committed in Kosovo, by becoming an example for the whole region and proving our readiness to, as a state and as a society, fulfil our obligations  towards international justice.

Mr Haradinaj,

We welcome you to continue our endeavours in advancement of our country and fulfilment of our vision for the future.

You have my support and assistance, as of the President of the country to, counting on your personal engagement and that of the political party that you lead, to work so that we move our country ahead, to advance our cause of building a democratic state and a society where everyone enjoys equal rights and freedoms, regardless of their ethnic background. Let us make the Republic of Kosovo a member of the EU and NATO and guard our international friends, friends we have work so hard to befriend.

I wish you lots of success.

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