This initiative of yours today, is a joint effort of all of us, to strengthen the war on corruption, a phenomenon which is threatening our future and the wellbeing of the citizens of Kosovo. Corruptions, as well as the organised crime, are phenomena of the societies in transition, and efforts to uproot them require the full engagement of all the segments of the society.
Honourable Mr. Kuçi
Honourable Mr. Baechler
Honourable Ms. Nedera
Honourable Mr. Preteni
Honourable Participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This initiative of yours today, is a joint effort of all of us, to strengthen the war on corruption, a phenomenon which is threatening our future and the wellbeing of the citizens of Kosovo. Corruptions, as well as the organised crime, are phenomena of the societies in transition, and efforts to uproot them require the full engagement of all the segments of the society.
We in Kosovo, have not as yet concluded our battle with the corruption and organised crime. But we have turned the war against these phenomena into an advantage of our activities towards winning this war, and to show that we want to build a state where rule of law and order prevails, for the benefit of the citizen and its future.
Rule of law and order cannot prevail in a country where there is corruption, but we want to show that we are stronger and completely convinced in our fight against these negative phenomena, and that we are resilient in this aim of ours.
Corruption is hindering the development of the country and foreign investments. It is hindering the opening of the new work places and the perspective of the youth in Kosovo. Corruption is hindering the future of the coming generations, who will be judging us in accordance with the actions we undertake today. Thus, we must continue our mission- the abolishment of corruption and organised crime for the wellbeing of the citizens of the country.
We must make a Kosovo where rule of law prevails and were we are all equal in front of the law. A Kosovo where all of us, both institutions and the citizens, are ready to face and willing to strong enough to face the evil, so that coming generations do not accuse us for unwillingness and cowardice. A clean Kosovo, where the will of the citizens will be a guide for the institutions and where there is full support for the institutions.
Let us build a stable system of justice, independent and trusted by the citizens of Kosovo. A system which will recognise the values of each citizen and be respected for its engagements.
We want a state which guarantees foreign investments and where foreign investors have faith upon our system of justice.
Because this will pave the way for our economic development, which will enable opening of the new work places. And this will stop the interest that our citizens have, in particular the youth, to emigrate abroad in search of a better life. And this will help towards advancement of our country where we will all have opportunities and where everyone will show its abilities in service to the country.
And most importantly, we want to build a state where our citizens feel safe and have full faith in the Republic of Kosovo.
Thank you.