
The word of the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Madam Atifete Jahjaga, at UNICEF

We, always during history, as a society, have given priority to the development and education of children, always bearing in mind that they are our present and future. And only on childcare the sound society which has guaranteed perspective is built.

Honorable participants,

We, always during history, as a society, have given priority to the development and education of children, always bearing in mind that they are our present and future. And only on childcare the sound society which has guaranteed perspective is built.

Each generation has a vision for the children and their development, with the aim to invest in them, investing thus in a safer and brighter future. We, today, are responsible for the more rapid development of our children starting from the first days, giving significance and giving a special support to the emancipation of the parents and all those who care about the development and education of the children.

The family is the fundamental unit of society that in our country plays a very important role in the overall development. The family is bearer of the processes in the life of the child and if we want to have a strong society we need to have healthy children who will grow and develop normally.

We are a developing country with large needs that stretch in different areas and are strongly correlated with each other. The changes we are making in our society take time, but we want to move more quickly for the sake of our children and for the sake of their future.

We want more rapid changes in the development of the health system, especially of child care, since early childhood. Our commitment must be direct. By investing in parents we will invest in children, and investing in children we will change our present to build our future.

We will guarantee greater development of the education system starting from the preschool system up to the university system having so a more rapid economic development for all of Us, citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, providing more work to raise the country at a higher level of development, initially helping the care for our children since early childhood.

We are a country in transition which is prospering associated with the level of other developing countries, we are a country built on the principle of citizenship and our development, of all of us, equal citizens of Kosovo, is the simultaneous and without discrimination.

I said without distinction, thinking here of ethnicity but also of geographical extent. Without distinctions between different areas in the country, but a equality and similar opportunity for all citizens of the country, for all the children of the Republic of Kosovo.

We learn and work together, having faith in each other.

Today and always we will work to create better opportunities for our children, knowing that the future belongs to them who invest in education and care.

The children are our most valuable wealth, with which we appear before Europe.

Thank you!

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